Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I am in Trouble with a capital T

The girl saw this photo the other day:


And turned to me and said

- and I quote -

"He's so cute when he's wet."

Does anyone have a big tower with a really good lock that I can borrow for about 20 years or so?

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Mrs. Chili said...

Heh. I've got that going on in my house, too. I'm handling it MUCH better than Mr. Chili is, though...

Unknown said...

*snicker* Way too funny. I mean, not so much. ;P My daughter hasn't noticed boys yet, (she is 10) and I am NOT ready for her awakening to the power of boys. When she does decide to hold court over them, we are going to be doomed.

Burgh Baby said...

I can't believe you tricked me into looking at that photo. Now I need bleach for my eyes. ACK!

Magpie said...

Oh yeah.

My six year old told her friend, in the back seat of the friend's mother's car, that google was much better than youtube - "you can find so much more".

I'll go in on the rent with you.

Anonymous said...

Dan and I are building one in our backyard. We can add another room if you want.