Monday, August 16, 2010

Jerry Garcia ≠ Bruce Vilanch

This guy has been sitting on my desk at work for many years:

One day, a while back, a coworker and I were talking in my office and I made a reference to Jerry Garcia.

Suddenly, it was as if a lightbulb went off in her head and she pointed at him and said, That's who that is! All these years I have been trying to figure out why anyone would want a doll of that jackass from Hollywood Squares!"


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Mrs. Chili said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *wipes tears* That's TOO funny!

Mrs. Chili said...
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bluzdude said...

I thought it was a miniature of that giant muppet thing, last scene in that Capital One commercial.

Unknown said...

Giggle! Thanks!

Janet said...

ROFLMAO! It DOES look a bit like Bruce V...only with gray hair instead of that blond!