Now, I know it’s my first week and I always do well on my first week, so I should take it with a grain of salt, but still. . .6.8 pounds, baby!!!!!! Wooooo! Go, Me! The only problem is I want some pie to celebrate. . .
Also in Wooooo! news:
I have officially changed the dog’s name from "Rocky" to “Barko Ruutu”
And finally, a scene from my house:
What is THAT?
Is that a. . .????
Oh my God, it is.
No. it can’t be.
Oh. My. God. It IS!!!!
I’m gonna kill that cat when I catch him.
Stupid cat!
I can not believe that he actually…
Oh, wait.
It’s just Toto.
Now repeat this, oh, thirty-seven thousand times a week and you have my life. And if the girl didn’t love The Wizard of Oz as much as she does, Toto would be a goner.
PS. Please ignore the disgusting carpet. It is very old and being replaced with something lovely and non-disgusting.

RUUUUUUTUUUU! It's a good time to be a Pens fan, isn't it?
Yay! for over 6 pounds. That's fantastic!
No comment regarding Toto from the lady who totally thought she was looking at poop for several photos.
Congrats on facing down the devil that is WW and WINNING! Please tell me that asshole man that weighed you last week weighed you this week....
Now for the down side of weight loss. I have lost quite a lot ... still fat, yes, but beginning to see the other side of "obese." Think, oh, four or five sacks of dogfood that are no longer hanging off me every time I take a step. So I'm feeling pretty good about myself, see a friend I haven't seen in a year and he says, "You know, I like your hair like that." Jeez. And about Toto? In my house it would have been the real deal, from anyone of four suspects and that's if I don't include Sis.
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